Virtual Source Objects ====================== The index pages are generated as `virtual source objects `_ .. _virtual: .. module:: lektor_index_pages.sourceobj The Index Roots --------------- Each top-level index will have a root virtual source. These have `Lektor paths `_ like :samp:`{parent}@index-pages/{index-name}`. The index root sources do not actually generate any artifacts — they serve primarily as the parents for the actual index pages. For the most part, they have one useful attribute, `subindexes` which contains a Lektor Query instance containing the individual index pages for the index. .. _path: .. class:: IndexRoot(model, record) .. attribute:: subindexes A Lektor Query instance containing the individual pages for the index. The ordering of the index pages in **subindexes** preserves the ordering defined of the indexes ``items`` setting. I.e. the *items* are iterated through; the *keys* are computed for each item in order; the index source for the first key encountered will be listed first in *subindexes*, the index for the second unique key encountered will be listed second, etc. The Index Pages --------------- The items in the root index’s :attr:`~.IndexRoot.subindexes` query live at path_\s like :samp:`{parent}@index-pages/{index-name}/{key}`, where :samp:`{key}` is the index key for the page. Useful fields on the index page include ``key`` (or, equivalently, ``_id``,) which is equal to the index key for the page, as well as any custom fields configured in the :samp:`[{index-name}.fields]` section of ``index-pages.ini``. Useful attributes on the index page virtual source objects include: .. class:: IndexSource(model, root, id_, children, page_num=None) .. attribute:: children The records in the configured ``items`` for the query that match this index page’s *key*. .. attribute:: pagination This works just like the regular Lektor `pagination object`_. E.g. the children for this current page are available in ``pagination.items``. (The *pagination* attribute is available only if pagination is enabled in the configuration for the index.) .. _pagination object: .. attribute:: subindexes If a sub-index is configured on this index, **subindexes** will contain a query containing the sub-index pages, instances of :class:`IndexSource`. The sub-index virtual sources will have `path`_\s like :samp:`{parent}@index-pages/{index-name}/{key}/{subindex-key}`.